IA-CG.COM - Indian Association for Crystal Growth - Awards


Prof. P. RAMASAMY National Award for Crystal Growth


1.Any Indian Scientist who has significantly contributed to the field of crystal growth is eligible for the award.

2. Any foreign scientist who has contributed to the development of crystal growth activities in India is eligible for the award.

3. Individual or Institution/Laboratory can be considered for the award.

4. Preference will be given to the crystal growth research carried out in India.

5. The research works carried out in the preceding five years of the year of award to be considered primarily for the award.

6. There is no age limit.

7. Scientist/Institution awarded once will be eligible for this award again only after five years from the date of previous award.

Dr. R. Gopalakrishnan National Award for Best Thesis


Any citizen of India shall be eligible for the award. The "Dr. R. Gopalakrishnan National Award for Best Ph.D Thesis in Crystal Growth" will be applicable for researchers who have recently (within last one year) submitted their Doctoral Thesis in Crystal Growth. The desirous candidates are encouraged to submit a one page abstract for consideration, accompanied with a recommendation letter from their respective Ph.D. supervisors. This award will be continued every year during National Seminar on Crystal Growth and Applications organized by IACG.

Recipients of Indian Association for Crystal Growth (IACG)
“Prof. P. RAMASAMY National Award for Crystal Growth”

Dr. P. Santhana Raghavan
Managing Director, GT Solar Corporation Limited, USA.
Dr. G. Dhanaraj
Scientist, Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Stony Brook University, USA.
Prof. R. Dhanasekaran
Emeritus Professor, Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai.
Prof. M. Ichimura
Head, Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan.
Prof. K. Sankaranarayanan
Professor, Department of Physics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
Dr. R. Gopalakrishnan
Associate Professor, Crystal Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Anna University, Chennai.
Prof. C. K. Mahadevan
Professor, Physics Research Centre, Department of Physics, S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil.
Dr. N. Vijayan
Senior Scientist, X-ray analysis & Crystal Growth Section, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.
Prof. S. Moorthy Babu
Head, Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai.
Prof. K. Ramamurthi
Head, Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai.
Dr. S. Ganesa Moorthy
Scientific Officer-F, Laser Materials Development Devices & Division, RRCAT, Indore.
Prof. G. Bhagavannarayana
Chief Scientist & Head, Crystal Growth & X-ray analysis sec., NPL, New Delhi.
Prof. S. Kalainathan
Deputy Director, Centre for Crystal Growth, VIT University, Vellore.
Dr. S. C. Gadkari
Outstanding Scientist and Head, Crystal Technology Section, Technical Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai-400085
Prof. K. Byrappa
Vice-Chancellor, Mangalore University, Karnataka.
Dr. A. K. Karnal
Scientific Officer-G, Laser Materials Development Devices & Division, Raja Rammana Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore.
Dr. Suja Elizabeth
Principal Research Scientist,IISc, Bangalore
Prof. K. Srinivasan
Head, Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
Dr. Muthu Senthil Pandian
Research Scientist, SSN Research Centre, SSN Institutions, Chennai, Tamilnadu

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